Welcome to Kannabis Works: Veterans Compassion Network!

At present, we have partnered with the Veterans Compassion Network to organize a monthly SB-34 compliant donation program specifically tailored for registered veteran patients since March 1, 2020. Over the last three years, the program has disbursed millions of dollars of donated medicinal cannabis products to thousands of veteran medical patients throughout California.

In California, and across both adult-use and medical cannabis states, patients and consumers encounter challenges such as limited physical access to legal retail outlets, high out-of-pocket expenses, and a restricted range of available products. These circumstances often compel veterans who could benefit from cannabis therapy to resort to less effective pharmaceuticals or self-medicate with alcohol or other substances.

We are deeply committed to serving our veterans and community. We are thrilled to provide support and assistance, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to serve you soon. Stay connected with us by signing up below to receive updates on our next SB34-compliant donation event.

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